Friday, January 23, 2009

This is life….

I just returned from a colleagues funeral…someone I worked closely for 2 yrs…we had good times…and bad times…appreciation…arguments…fights….celebrations…parties…picnic…reviews…presentations…

At times u just tend to forget that people are mortal…u just assume they will be there…always…There is no reason for them to die…. I still find it difficult to digest that he has gone….he breathed his last breath yest night….I will never speak to him again…today was the last time I touched him…his dead feet…his existence in this world has ceased

His family is devastated….someone who was their lifeline has gone…suddenly….they r not able to comprehend the loss…it will take time to sink in…..but one day it will….! One day they will accept the reality…and that day they start living life ..again…his kids will continue with their studies…wife with her work….relatives friends with their life….things will be back to normal….

But what about him…..

well…....he has gone…far away.......far far away….

May your soul rest in peace….Goodbye Sam !